Blast Booths

For the semi-automated and safe blasting of nearly any item

Blast Booths

Blast booths are rooms for the manual blasting of components.  At there most basic they will have lighting and a dust collection system to provide a safe environment for the operators inside and outside the booth.

Booths can very in size from smaller 2.5m x 2.5m rooms for blasting smaller components up to 30m x 7m booths for blasting locomotives.  Blast booths can typically accomodate from one to six operators depending on the booth size and workpiece being blasted.

The booths can be further automated through the addition of partially of fully automated recovery systems.  A partial recovery system will consist of a pit that the shot is swept into,  a bucket elevator to lift the shot, an air wash separator to clean the shot and a hopper to dispense the shot back into the blast pot.  A fully automated recovery system will include automated sweepers beneath the blast process to fully automate shot recovery.